
Hamlet, Line By Line

This is a look at Hamlet. One line at a time. One day at a time.

I started this writing project partly as a way to deepen my writing practice and partly as a way to prepare for (one-day, sometime, somehow) playing Hamlet. These are my daily encounters with the text.

I’ve noticed that most people end up here via searches on a single line. If you’re here looking for the exact meaning of a line, I may or may not be of help to you. Sometimes I do end up doing a sort of super close analysis of the line but sometimes I get a little cheeky and willfully explore it as its meaning’s opposite. Sometimes my response to the line has nothing to do with its meaning. Don’t trust me.

If you’re at all inspired, please write your own response to the line in question in the comments.

(Note for text geeks: I started out using the New Penguin edition from 1996 but in the last couple of acts have found myself more often using Genius to grab my next line. There may be discrepancies between acts. There may also be some variation from the text I’ve pulled for the acts and the lines themselves. I try to catch those – but don’t always. Just – heads up on text variations!)

If you find anything here helpful or interesting or worth your time, you can support its continuation at ko-fi, PayPal or become my patron on Patreon.

If you liked this and want some more, I’m doing Cymbeline now. https://thecymbelineproject.wordpress.com/

I blog, like, more bloggy stuff, here: http://artiststruggle.wordpress.com/

If you want to know more about me, this is the hub: https://www.emilyrainbowdavis.com/

5 thoughts on “About

  1. theepicbookreviews May 25, 2016 / 9:06 pm

    This is so cool. 😮 I love Hamlet so much

  2. Bill April 10, 2018 / 10:36 pm

    Bro, this is a great enterprise to undertake. I give you all my support and hope your completion to the fullest!

  3. koljagames July 17, 2019 / 4:53 pm

    Awesome! I’m in Hamlet now, but my speaking parts (the other Gravedigger and Osric) are in Act Five, so I’m left waiting. Glad you’re keeping up such a fun project!

  4. The Modesto Kid November 20, 2021 / 3:49 pm

    Loving this.

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